Passenger car market up 37 percent in May

In May, 230,600 new passenger cars were registered in Germany. This is 37 percent more than in the same month last year. In the first five months of this year, the volume of new registrations thus rose by 13 percent to million units. International manufacturers achieved a market share of just under 41 percent in May (same month last year: 43 percent).

Reinhard Zirpel, President of the Association of International Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (VDIK), said: “The high growth rates should still not hide the fact that the passenger car market is still noticeably weakening. Since the beginning of the year, the volume of new registrations has remained 16 percent below the long-term average. Falling incidence figures and specific spatial conditions justify nationwide opening steps, especially for car dealerships.”

The share of plug-in hybrids and all-electric cars rose to 23 percent in May from 7 percent in the same month last year. According to figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority, around 26,800 passenger cars with battery-electric drive systems (up 380 percent) were newly registered. In addition, around 27,200 new plug-in hybrids (up 300 percent) hit the roads. The share of deliveries of new cars with diesel engines fell to 22 percent in May. (same month last year: 32 percent).

Private new registrations increased to 77,700 units in May. Again, it should not be overlooked that the private market remains almost 30 percent below the long-term average. In cumulative terms, the private passenger car market is therefore up 3 percent after five months, but continues to lag well behind the overall market trend.

As in previous months, the commercial vehicle market is growing faster than the passenger car market, by 45 percent in May to 30,000 units. At over 150,000 units, the market is up 20 percent after five months and on par with pre-2019 levels.

May January – May
+/- (%) Share of total
car market (%)
+/- (%)
Passenger car 230,600 37 100 1,116,700 13
– VDIK-brands 95,700 33 41 432,100 10
– german brands 130,600 38 57 667,800 14
– other brands 4,300 191 2 16,800 66
Electric vehicles (total) 54,000 340 23 247,500 230
– purely battery-powered 26,800 380 115,300 220
– plug-in-hybrids 27,200 300 132,200 240
Commercial vehicle 45 150,000 20

Source: KBA, VDIK