André Schmidt takes over as President of the Association of International Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (VDIK) as former Vice President. Michael Lohscheller is moving to Polestar as global CEO and has therefore stepped down as VDIK President.

Michael Lohscheller: “The decision to work for Polestar as global CEO is an interesting new task for me, but unfortunately it cannot be reconciled with my function as VDIK President. It has been a great honor and privilege to represent and support the VDIK and the international vehicle manufacturers. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all members, employees and partners.”

André Schmidt, Managing Director of Toyota Germany, will use his experience and expertise to lead the association through the transition phase until a new full-time President is elected. He will represent the association externally and will welcome the guests of the VDIK Summer Meeting at the Representative Office in Berlin tomorrow as acting President.

André Schmidt: “Together with Michael Lohscheller, we have sharpened the positioning and goals of the association in a short time and intensified the VDIK’s external communication. We will continue on the right path and further expand our commitment to affordable and CO2-neutral mobility of the future.”

Together with the association’s board of directors, Schmidt will now begin the search for a new full-time president. The aim is to find a suitable candidate in the foreseeable future who will then be put forward to the members for election.

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