Press releases

24 Mar

VDIK welcomes reform of the residential property law

24. March 2020|Categories: Press release|

In addition to the comprehensive package of measures to deal with the corona pandemic, the Federal Cabinet yesterday also passed a reform of the residential property law. In the future, both owners and tenants will have a legal right to the installation of a charging device for an electric vehicle. [...]

04 Mar

Charging infrastructure for new buildings

4. March 2020|Categories: Press release|

The EU has set new requirements to ensure that charging infrastructure for electric cars will be available in new homes in the future. To implement the European Building Directive, the Federal Cabinet today adopted the draft of the Building Electromobility Infrastructure Act (GEIG). VDIK President Reinhard Zirpel commented: "The ability [...]

04 Mar

Passenger car market declines in February

4. March 2020|Categories: Press release|

According to the Federal Motor Transport Authority, 239,943 new passenger cars were registered in Germany in February. That is 11 percent less than in the same month last year. In the first two months of this year the volume of new registrations thus fell by 9 percent. The international manufacturers [...]

03 Mar

Vehicle fleet becomes cleaner and cleaner

3. March 2020|Categories: Press release|

The vehicle population in Germany has become much cleaner in the past year. According to current figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority, the number of passenger cars in the Euro 6 emissions class rose by almost 25 percent to around 15.4 million. In addition, there are already 3.5 million [...]

18 Feb

Higher environmental bonus will apply from tomorrow

18. February 2020|Categories: News|

The higher purchase premium for electric vehicles will come into effect tomorrow. The revised directive on the environmental bonus was already published today in the Federal Gazette. Reinhard Zirpel, President of the Association of International Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (VDIK), commented: "The increased environmental bonus is a crucial instrument to help [...]

14 Feb

Sales of electric cars increase strongly in January

14. February 2020|Categories: Update on Alternative Engines|

In Germany, significantly more electric vehicles were newly registered in January. The Federal Motor Transport Authority registered 7,492 passenger cars with battery electric drive (BEV). The increase is 61 percent. The VDIK member companies delivered almost half of all new BEVs (49 percent). In addition, 8,639 plug-in hybrids were newly [...]

11 Feb

Higher environmental bonus to start shortly

11. February 2020|Categories: News|

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy announced today that the EU has agreed to increase the environmental bonus for electric vehicles. This means that the higher purchase bonus can come into effect in the short term. Reinhard Zirpel, President of the Association of International Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (VDIK) said: [...]

07 Feb

Hydrogen plays a central role in climate-neutral transport

7. February 2020|Categories: Press release|

"Hydrogen plays a central role in the mobility of the future. In addition to battery electromobility, fuel cell drives are indispensable for achieving climate-neutral road traffic. The international manufacturers are therefore counting on a quick adoption of the Federal Government's National Hydrogen Strategy," said Reinhard Zirpel, President of the Association [...]

05 Feb

Car market starts with decline of 7 percent

5. February 2020|Categories: Press release|

In January, 246,300 new passenger cars were registered in Germany, according to the German Federal Motor Transport Authority. This is 7 percent less than in the same month last year. This meant that the German passenger car market was in line with expectations at the start of the year. The [...]

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